Devika Goel ’24

Delhi Yoga Sabha, India

This summer I had the opportunity of working as a communications intern for Delhi Yoga Sabha (DYS) based in Delhi, India. Delhi Yoga Sabha is a nonprofit organization that has been serving the local community for over half a century by introducing numerous people to the various facets and practices of yoga and meditation in order to create a healthy lifestyle.

Working on the website.

I have long admired the work the team of DYS selflessly does to equip people with the skills they need to ensure their wellbeing. As someone who harbors immense love for the yoga and meditation practices passed down to me by my family, I immensely enjoyed working for DYS this summer, teaching myself more about healthy living and learning the history of DYS.

Along with some short-term projects, my main project this summer was to create a website for DYS to make it a rich resource for those looking to know more about and associate with DYS, or for those simply wanting to explore yoga and other related practices. This involved learning more about hosting and designing a website, collecting information about the organization and creating content. DYS specializes in yoga practices that are not commonly known and learning more about these practices, such as the various types of ‘netis’ or cleansing techniques, and creating content around them, was one of the most enjoyable aspects of working at DYS.

My internship was remote from Massachusetts; thus, the difference in time zones, along with the lockdown and worsening Covid situation in Delhi and the staff shortage at DYS, all worked to complicate the internship and made communication with my supervisor difficult at times. Despite the frustrations and setbacks such a situation presented, as someone with a deep appreciation for yoga practices and for graphic design, I found this project personally fulfilling. I am grateful I was able to aid in DYS’s mission to support people through their spiritual journey and in the future, I will continue volunteering with DYS at various points in time.

My experience this summer has encouraged me to reach out to alums working in the nonprofit and communications sector to gain a more complete understanding of what working in these fields professionally looks like and has made me especially curious about the field of communications design which combines aspects of outreach and communications, art and design as well as business. It has also made me feel more confident in my major choices and opened my eyes to the many possible career paths I could prepare for and pursue.

I express my gratitude towards everyone who allowed me the opportunity to work at Delhi Yoga Sabha this summer and expand my skill set. I thank Dawn M. Dellea, the ’68 Center for Career Exploration and the Estate of Bruce C. Davey for making my summer internship possible. This internship proved invaluable in helping me gain clarity about future plans and possible career paths and I am immensely grateful for their support.